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    Most Recent Degrading Enemas Videos! more
     Chelseas Enema Punishment
    11 minutes

      Chelseas Enema Punishment - Chelsea has been going **** way to much lately. Since zayda has to buy the diapers she is tired of it. To punish chelsea -and clean her out- she decides to put her in stocks and give her an enema. After filling her bum with two quarts of water she places a bambino diaper on her. It doesn’t take chelsea long before she starts unloading that enema into her diaper. The sound of the water coming out of her butt is unmistakable. After she has released it zayda teases her and then leaves her with the soiled diaper taped around her waist.  Elise Makes Frank Hold His Enema
    26 minutes

      Elise Makes Frank Hold His Enema - Elise has frank naked and gagged and tied to a chair in the bathroom. The chair has a large hole in the seat in which she stuffs an enema nozzle into his ass. The other end has a very large bag of water ******* from it. She has **** it up high so that the flow of water will come out in *****. Once she starts it going frank feels the cramps come on pretty quickly. She lets him know that she is going to put as much water in his butt as possible. As the wave of cramps come over him she waits for them to subside so she can add even more fluid. In no time she has emptied half of the 5qt. Enema bag into him. Frank is beside himself with discomfort but elise just waits a bit and then continues filling him up. She even slaps him on the belly a few times for extra discomfort. Frank is completely helpless to do anything about his situation. Once she has put the contents of the bag into him she places him into a diaper. But she isn’t ready to let him release it quite yet. In fact, she has him hold it for a very long time indeed, in spite of his increasingly loud protests. After what seems like an impossible amount of time she finally gives him permission to release, and release he does. A massive amount of matter comes from his colon and fills the bambino diaper beyond its capacity. To frank’s horror, she has no intention of letting him out of the chair and diaper anytime soon. She instead talks to him about his bad behavior of late and then leaves the room and him sitting in his own filth and smell.
     Zayda Gets A Urine Enema From Bob And Elise
    9 minutes

      Zayda Gets A Urine Enema From Bob And Elise - Bob and elise have abducted and are keeping zayda chained at the waist in their home. She is napping on the bed with an arm binder and chain around her when bob and elise come in. They want to have a little fun with her, even be a little bit cruel. They come in with a enema bag, **** her up and then each of them start releasing their bladders into the bag. When zayda sees what is about to happen she begins to cry, even suggesting that they capture her ****** instead of her. They just laugh at her and then roll her over onto her belly. Elise grabs the enema nozzle and shoves it into zayda’s bum. As zayda sobs elise makes sure that every last drop goes into her. She then starts to complain that she now feels an urgent need to ****. Elise lets her know she will be doing that into a diaper and then grabs one to place on her. Once diapered, elise rolls her back on her belly. It doesn’t take long before zayda is making a big, noisy, wet mess in her fresh diaper. Elise humiliates her and begins patting her on her bum, squishing her mess back onto her as zayda cries about her ordeal. Bob and elise leave her chained and diapered with her mess as they go out to find her ******.  Frank Gets A Urine Enema From Elise Zayda
    11 minutes

      Frank Gets A Urine Enema From Elise  Zayda - Elise and zayda are in a mischievous mood. This always happens when the two of them get together. Unfortunately, frank is about to take the brunt of their mischief. After the ***** shackle frank in an uncompromising position, they begin to fill him in on their intentions – piece by piece. Once the ***** bring in an empty enema bag, frank thinks he sees the whole picture. The ***** then toy with franks, asking him what is going to go in that bag. He finds out when first elise, and then zayda take turns releasing their bladder into the bag – right in front of frank’s face. He thinks that is the worst of it. But it’s not. An inflatable enema plug gets shoved up his ass, and is relentlessly inflated to its capacity. And the inevitable urine enema ensues. The ***** mock and tease frank for being the giant, filthy baby that he is while he is releasing the golden goods into a baby print diaper. Frank will learn to stay away the next time these ***** are feeling frisky…
     Marleys Overnight Diaper Enema
    8 minutes

      Marleys Overnight Diaper Enema - Marley has been having a good number of accidents lately so bob wants to teach her a lesson. He comes into her room to find her wearing only her bambinos. He has marley bend over the end of the bed, opens her diaper to reveal her butt and proceeds to give her a 3qt. Enema. It is a lot of her to take, she moans and squirms about in discomfort before bob finally empties the enema bag. Once she is full he refastens the diaper and puts her to bed for the night, cramps and all. When he comes to **** her in the morning he finds she has been unable to hold her enema during the night. After cleaning her up she gets a fresh diaper change.  Can Marleys Bambinos Hold Her Enema
    20 minutes

      Can Marleys Bambinos Hold Her Enema - Marley, caught wearing small pull-ups which fail to contain her messes, is punished with an enema while in bondage which she releases into her bambinos. (No edits or cuts during the entire enema scene. Big, messy, real release! Real bondage and real mess.)

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     Marinas Urgent Need To Go
    16 minutes
      Marinas Urgent Need To Go - Finally we find marina being bound with a chest harness and then ultimately manacled about the neck. I have her get on her knees and then lean over on her belly. Her collar gets attached to a hook in the floor. This keeps her face right in the dirt as I lube her asshole up for the enema she's about to receive. Once she is well lubed the fountain syringe is inserted into her ass and the delivery of milk into her colon is started. It is warm, above body temperature. To start she's given a full one quart enema. As it is delivered I can see that she is finding it discomforting. She's moving her hands, open - closed. Her foot taping the floor. After a minute or so she starts to flail about, or at least tries too. She's moving her hands in urgency, but that's all that's free to move. She begins to wail with a quarter of the bag left to go. Once her bowels have all of the milk enema I pop a butt plug in her ass to make sure she's plugged. I cautioned her to let me know when she couldn't hold it any longer and then slammed the hitachi onto her cunt as she screamed out. She didn't stop making noise for a full minute. Not until I told her to go thru all the sounds found in a barn yard as she gets vibbed off and holds back the enema that clearly is pushing out. I had to put my finger on her butt plug at one point to keep if from blowing out of her ass. The whole time she's getting vibbed she's moaning and groaning with every breath she makes. We can see her asshole clenching that plug, sucking it back and forth as I get her up off the floor to talk to her about what she is about to blow out of her colon. After she tells me what it will look like I have her squat over a large, clear container and have her ask permission to release it. When she blows the plug out of her ass a wad of milk follows it. Then she's got a faucet running out of her ass as she fills the container with milk & *****. When she's done I have her get up, turn around and tell you, the viewer, to come in really close and look at her poo. Then I had her tell me about all the particles that were in the milk. Afterwards, we repeated the process all over again.  Zayda Gets A Urine Enema From Bob And Elise
    9 minutes
      Zayda Gets A Urine Enema From Bob And Elise - Bob and elise have abducted and are keeping zayda chained at the waist in their home. She is napping on the bed with an arm binder and chain around her when bob and elise come in. They want to have a little fun with her, even be a little bit cruel. They come in with a enema bag, **** her up and then each of them start releasing their bladders into the bag. When zayda sees what is about to happen she begins to cry, even suggesting that they capture her ****** instead of her. They just laugh at her and then roll her over onto her belly. Elise grabs the enema nozzle and shoves it into zayda’s bum. As zayda sobs elise makes sure that every last drop goes into her. She then starts to complain that she now feels an urgent need to ****. Elise lets her know she will be doing that into a diaper and then grabs one to place on her. Once diapered, elise rolls her back on her belly. It doesn’t take long before zayda is making a big, noisy, wet mess in her fresh diaper. Elise humiliates her and begins patting her on her bum, squishing her mess back onto her as zayda cries about her ordeal. Bob and elise leave her chained and diapered with her mess as they go out to find her ******.
      To Her Jeans
    7 minutes
      To  Her Jeans - Bob has had zayda in diaper training for a couple of weeks now. But today he caught her using the toilet. To punish her he decided to put ten suppositories up her bum, pull her tight jeans back on her and then tie her in the garage with her wrists high above her head --then wait for the inevitable. It doesn't take too long before she is begging bob to let her go in a toilet. The urgency grows to the point where she begs him to at least let her wear a diaper instead of going in her pants. She starts doing the poo-poo dance, crying and whining about how badly she needs to go but bob makes her hold it. He wants her to feel those cramps so she learns a useful lesson. It becomes too much for her and she lets a little out into her jeans by accident. He has her describe, in detail, how she feels. She tells him that she feels like she needs to explode from her bum, that her stomach is cramping in waves and that she feels nauseous. Finally, he tells her to turn around and allows her to release the urgent need. The very moment he gives her permission a large wet spot begins to build and runs down each leg. A pool collects beneath her and she is ****** to stand in it barefoot. Bob is pretty sure she still hasn't gotten the message so he gets up and leaves her there for some time.  Bob Makes Zayda In The Driveway
    5 minutes
      Bob Makes Zayda  In The Driveway - Bob and zayda are sitting around discussing their day. Bob can see that zayda seems a bit anxious. Finally she asks him if it is okay of she p.Oops in the toilet because she hasn't been liking her diaper training lately. Bob becomes enraged and strongly admonishes her for even asking. He then gets up and grabs her by the arm and tosses her out of the house into the driveway. He then throws a large, clear plastic bag at her and tells her to go p.Oop out there. Horrified, she bangs on the windows and doors crying for bob to let her back in. He ignores her and the urgency of needing to go no. 2 takes over. She is left with no choice but to p.Oop in the driveway! She grabs the bag, squats over it and then dumps her bowels into it, scared that at any minute a neighbor may come walking by. Once she does her business she is then ****** to pick the bag up and throw it into the garbage can and beg bob to let her back into the house.
     Juniper Gets A Massive Enema And Whipped
    27 minutes
      Juniper Gets A Massive Enema And Whipped - A large, heavy wooden stock ***** from the ceiling by chains. Juniper's head and wrists are locked into it. She is bent at the waist, her torso parallel to the floor, her legs spread wide. She's waiting but for what she doesn't know. Jr slips in behind her and strikes her hard with a crack of the whip on her ass. She immediately jumps but finds she doesn't go anywhere. He lays into her back, ass and upper thighs until she is raising each leg to shake off the pain and get it the fuck out of the way of the next strike. He doesn't stop until she is sobbing. Tiring of her screams and cries he orders her to be silent as she is being whipped. When her entire backside is red and welted he gives her a moment to collect herself, only so he can go and fill an enema bag. When he returns he shoves the enema nozzle, an inflatable balloon, into her asshole and pumps it up. That alone has her wanting to take a **** immediately. It fills her colon and she is unable to push it out. Jr asks her if she has ever had an enema before: "no". After putting in a quart she begins to moan and complain of cramps. She starts to panic, breathing quickly and stating, "oh god" over and over again. She is feeling very uncomfortable and it is growing worse by the liter. She starts to cry and clinches her asshole as though a pile of **** was about to be expelled. The inflatable just adds to her discomfort and gives her no way to release the liquid. Her urgency is at a desperate level now. Jr dismisses that and picks up the whip and starts back in on her water filled ass. With her unable to release the enema he whips her backside relentlessly. She is reduced down to base, raw emotion. When she reaches the point of barely being able to stand he stops and removes the enema nozzle, warning her not to let any liquid come out with it. To add further *********** to her situation he brings out an adult diaper and diapers her. Once diapered she begs him for permission to release the enema. He gives it to her and then tells her he is leaving for several hours. As he walks out the door the sound of water and **** rushing into her diaper can be clearly heard.  Elise Makes A Gigantic No 2 In Her Pullup
    4 minutes
      Elise Makes A Gigantic No 2 In Her Pullup - Elise had some really spicy mexican food the night before. She comes in where bob is reading a book and asks him to change her. He notices right away the smell from the no. 2 filling her nappy. She tells him she feels a bit queasy and that she thinks it is a bad one. She wants to know if he would mind changing her. She lays down a blanket on the bed and hops up. She positions herself in the middle of it while bob informs her she is going to have to stay in diapers 24/7 for such a big mess. She doesn't even like sitting down because it squishes the **** all over her bottom. Bob gets her legs up, rips off the pull-up and exposes the biggest mess he thinks he has ever seen! The diaper is completely full and her entire backside is glooped with ****. Once he finally gets her private parts cleaned he powders her and puts her in a nice big, shiny and crinkly bambino.

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    Welcome To Degrading Enemas
    Babes in bondage receive, hold and release enemas for the pleasure of others.

    Featuring 39 Clips / 582 minutes of video!

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      Chelseas Enema Punishment

    Chelseas Enema Punishment


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    Elise Makes Frank Hold His Enema


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      Zayda Gets A Urine Enema From Bob And Elise

    Zayda Gets A Urine Enema From Bob And Elise


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      Frank Gets A Urine Enema From Elise Zayda

    Frank Gets A Urine Enema From Elise  Zayda


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      Marleys Overnight Diaper Enema

    Marleys Overnight Diaper Enema


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      Can Marleys Bambinos Hold Her Enema

    Can Marleys Bambinos Hold Her Enema


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      Elise Makes A Gigantic No 2 In Her Pullup

    Elise Makes A Gigantic No 2 In Her Pullup


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      Bob Makes Zayda In The Driveway

    Bob Makes Zayda  In The Driveway


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      Her Weekly Colon Cleasning

    Her Weekly Colon Cleasning


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      Elise Gets A Carbonated Soda Enema

    Elise Gets A Carbonated Soda Enema


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    Goldie Gets A Degrading Enema  Release


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      Morgan Gets An Enema While Eating A Cake

    Morgan Gets An Enema While Eating A Cake


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      Ash Releases Enema Into White Capri Pants

    Ash Releases Enema Into White Capri Pants


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      Dont Release That Enema Until I Cum

    Dont Release That Enema Until I Cum


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       To Her Jeans

    To  Her Jeans


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