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Most Recent Domina Kates Palace of Sin Videos! more
 The Initiation 2
22 minutes

  The Initiation 2 - How does it feel to be lara’s new toy? The lady’s not complaining. So now it’s time to really put slavey to the test. Let’s see…shall she bind her little plaything spread-eagled on the floor and use him as her ashtray and personal lick slave. You don’t mind, do you? Wouldn’t do you a bit of good if you did. With all that sadistic charm to deploy, you’d be amazed how easily she’ll teach you to love your new status: a helpless personal slave to your – not to mention her – lusts. You won’t worry too much about all your homework after lady lara starts showering it – and you - with her hot, tasty juices. So freshly pressed! If you please her with your progress, she might even instruct you in the slave’s art of bringing her to the highest level of oral contentment. Where there’s a will there’s a way.


die einführung 2

da lady lara mit dem objekt zufrieden scheint, will sie es endlich so benutzen, wie es ihr zusteht. Sie nimmt ihr spielzeug, spreizt und fesselt es und lässt es als aschenbecher und lecksklaven agieren. Sobald der sklave aber zu geil wird, setzt sie ihren sadistischen charme ein, um ihn den richtigen weg zum trainierten lustsklaven zu weisen. Am ende darf er dann vielleicht den heißen saft seiner herrin als belohnung auf seinem schwanz spüren, sollte er lady lara zur gänze oral befriedigt haben...  The Initiation 1
25 minutes

  The Initiation 1 - Who says voyeurism doesn’t pay? Your mommy? Follow us through the peephole deep in the palace of sin. Go on, do it! Now look lady lara in the eye and tell her it doesn’t. Cat got your tongue? Something blocking your view? Has she already found a good use for you, lucky boy? Outmatched already by her sophisticated, feminine cunning? Whether you know it or not, you’ll soon be satisfying her every bizarre desire, and you’d better not take your sweet time about it. Don’t worry; you won’t! Why don’t you just admit it? You’d willingly suffer every *********** act of painful degradation that mistress has in store for you. No backtalk! Bend over! Would you like the sweet domina to bind you by the balls and **** you by the tippy toes on her special anal hook? Oooh, custom designed just for you! There now, doesn’t that feel better? Time for her to really drive you wild with her wicked smile, erotic voice and sharp, cruel fingernails clamped ever so tightly on those soft, tender slut buttons…but only if you ask her nice.


die einführung 1

lady lara testet ihr objekt mit raffinesse und weiblicher gerissenheit. Denn ihr sklave soll ihren höchsten ansprüchen genügen. Um die bizarren gelüste seiner herrin befriedigen zu dürfen, wird er sich schmerzhaften und erniedrigenden handlungen stellen müssen. Lady lara fesselt ihn und seine eier und hängt ihn gebückt mit analhaken auf, während sie den sklaven mit ihrer erotischen stimme, ihren schönen füßen und spitzen fingernägeln an seinen brustwarzen zu höchstleistungen antreibt.
 Feetish Dinner 1
17 minutes

  Feetish Dinner 1 - Every bad **** deserves all the favours you can give her, and even if she doesn’t, she’s still going to get them. Take lady lara for instance. Not your average madame librarian, agreed? She acquires a new slave who will do anything for the privilege of worshipping her feet, but does he know how to satisfy a mean mistreater of her refined tastes? You’d think the glowing hot cigarettes she stubbed out all over his torso would have taught him how to walk the straight and narrow lady lara style, but her meek little tootsy worshiper is as clueless as ever. It simply can’t go on like this. When the stern, sexy hostess invites her foot-fed noodle to a gourmet dinner, he has no idea what’s in store for him. The gifted culinatrix immobilizes him in her mouth-watering dining cage and tries to teach him how to use his new utensils. Her beautiful demanding eyes burn their righteous disapproval deep into his soul. Stimulating his gastric juices with erotically enticing glances, the 3-star michelinatrix soon has the novice diner eating right out of her feet. You can’t have your breakfast until you eat your din-din…


lady lara nimmt sich eines sklaven an, der ihre füße zwar verehrt, aber in ihren wunderschönen augen noch nicht befriedigend genug. So wird es nicht weitergehen. Als sie ihren kleinen sklaven zu einem dinner lädt, ahnt der noch nicht, wie ihm gleich geschehen wird. Er kommt in den großen käfig, in dem er gebeugt allen anweisungen folge leisten muss, die ihm lady lara mal erotisch lockend mal distanziert kühl gibt...  Feetish Dinner 2
19 minutes

  Feetish Dinner 2 - The refined somaliatrix tries in vain to teach her tootsy-besotted bumbler how to properly open a bottle of champagne. By now the gourmet domina is fed up, and slavey wavey has been fed all over the place. Have you ever seen anyone dawdle so long over dinner? He’s like a whiney little kid who won’t finish his carrots. Bored with his unworthiness, the demanding gourmetrix gives piggy a foot dinner he won’t soon forget. Turning his tongue into a mop, the irresistible enchantress finds a better use for it on her grotty floor. All the floor’s a plate for sorry saps who forget to bring their diner’s club card. He waddles into one of berlin’s finest eating establishments with a pathetically smeared and dirty face, but the lusty lara is only too happy to wash it for him. Mrs. Clean gets rid of grime and grease and dirt in just a minute, mrs. Clean will clean your whole mouth and everything that’s in it. She soon has him snacking in her rain…but little slutty tongue just can’t do nothing right, so she gets him back in the cage where he belongs and lets him ponder his utter uselessness on all fours for another sleepless nighty night. Don’t let the bedbugs bitey bite.


sie demütigt ihn, macht ihn auf seine offensichtlichen schwächen deutlich aufmerksam und formt ihn so, wie sie es haben will, weist ihn mit verbaler rafinesse in die hohe kunst der fußverwöhnung ein und gibt ihm ein fuß-abendessen, das er so schnell nicht vergessen wird.

Random Domina Kates Palace of Sin Clips more
 The Initiation 1
25 minutes
  The Initiation 1 - Who says voyeurism doesn’t pay? Your mommy? Follow us through the peephole deep in the palace of sin. Go on, do it! Now look lady lara in the eye and tell her it doesn’t. Cat got your tongue? Something blocking your view? Has she already found a good use for you, lucky boy? Outmatched already by her sophisticated, feminine cunning? Whether you know it or not, you’ll soon be satisfying her every bizarre desire, and you’d better not take your sweet time about it. Don’t worry; you won’t! Why don’t you just admit it? You’d willingly suffer every *********** act of painful degradation that mistress has in store for you. No backtalk! Bend over! Would you like the sweet domina to bind you by the balls and **** you by the tippy toes on her special anal hook? Oooh, custom designed just for you! There now, doesn’t that feel better? Time for her to really drive you wild with her wicked smile, erotic voice and sharp, cruel fingernails clamped ever so tightly on those soft, tender slut buttons…but only if you ask her nice.


die einführung 1

lady lara testet ihr objekt mit raffinesse und weiblicher gerissenheit. Denn ihr sklave soll ihren höchsten ansprüchen genügen. Um die bizarren gelüste seiner herrin befriedigen zu dürfen, wird er sich schmerzhaften und erniedrigenden handlungen stellen müssen. Lady lara fesselt ihn und seine eier und hängt ihn gebückt mit analhaken auf, während sie den sklaven mit ihrer erotischen stimme, ihren schönen füßen und spitzen fingernägeln an seinen brustwarzen zu höchstleistungen antreibt.  The Initiation 2
22 minutes
  The Initiation 2 - How does it feel to be lara’s new toy? The lady’s not complaining. So now it’s time to really put slavey to the test. Let’s see…shall she bind her little plaything spread-eagled on the floor and use him as her ashtray and personal lick slave. You don’t mind, do you? Wouldn’t do you a bit of good if you did. With all that sadistic charm to deploy, you’d be amazed how easily she’ll teach you to love your new status: a helpless personal slave to your – not to mention her – lusts. You won’t worry too much about all your homework after lady lara starts showering it – and you - with her hot, tasty juices. So freshly pressed! If you please her with your progress, she might even instruct you in the slave’s art of bringing her to the highest level of oral contentment. Where there’s a will there’s a way.


die einführung 2

da lady lara mit dem objekt zufrieden scheint, will sie es endlich so benutzen, wie es ihr zusteht. Sie nimmt ihr spielzeug, spreizt und fesselt es und lässt es als aschenbecher und lecksklaven agieren. Sobald der sklave aber zu geil wird, setzt sie ihren sadistischen charme ein, um ihn den richtigen weg zum trainierten lustsklaven zu weisen. Am ende darf er dann vielleicht den heißen saft seiner herrin als belohnung auf seinem schwanz spüren, sollte er lady lara zur gänze oral befriedigt haben...
 Feetish Dinner 2
19 minutes
  Feetish Dinner 2 - The refined somaliatrix tries in vain to teach her tootsy-besotted bumbler how to properly open a bottle of champagne. By now the gourmet domina is fed up, and slavey wavey has been fed all over the place. Have you ever seen anyone dawdle so long over dinner? He’s like a whiney little kid who won’t finish his carrots. Bored with his unworthiness, the demanding gourmetrix gives piggy a foot dinner he won’t soon forget. Turning his tongue into a mop, the irresistible enchantress finds a better use for it on her grotty floor. All the floor’s a plate for sorry saps who forget to bring their diner’s club card. He waddles into one of berlin’s finest eating establishments with a pathetically smeared and dirty face, but the lusty lara is only too happy to wash it for him. Mrs. Clean gets rid of grime and grease and dirt in just a minute, mrs. Clean will clean your whole mouth and everything that’s in it. She soon has him snacking in her rain…but little slutty tongue just can’t do nothing right, so she gets him back in the cage where he belongs and lets him ponder his utter uselessness on all fours for another sleepless nighty night. Don’t let the bedbugs bitey bite.


sie demütigt ihn, macht ihn auf seine offensichtlichen schwächen deutlich aufmerksam und formt ihn so, wie sie es haben will, weist ihn mit verbaler rafinesse in die hohe kunst der fußverwöhnung ein und gibt ihm ein fuß-abendessen, das er so schnell nicht vergessen wird.  Feetish Dinner 1
17 minutes
  Feetish Dinner 1 - Every bad **** deserves all the favours you can give her, and even if she doesn’t, she’s still going to get them. Take lady lara for instance. Not your average madame librarian, agreed? She acquires a new slave who will do anything for the privilege of worshipping her feet, but does he know how to satisfy a mean mistreater of her refined tastes? You’d think the glowing hot cigarettes she stubbed out all over his torso would have taught him how to walk the straight and narrow lady lara style, but her meek little tootsy worshiper is as clueless as ever. It simply can’t go on like this. When the stern, sexy hostess invites her foot-fed noodle to a gourmet dinner, he has no idea what’s in store for him. The gifted culinatrix immobilizes him in her mouth-watering dining cage and tries to teach him how to use his new utensils. Her beautiful demanding eyes burn their righteous disapproval deep into his soul. Stimulating his gastric juices with erotically enticing glances, the 3-star michelinatrix soon has the novice diner eating right out of her feet. You can’t have your breakfast until you eat your din-din…


lady lara nimmt sich eines sklaven an, der ihre füße zwar verehrt, aber in ihren wunderschönen augen noch nicht befriedigend genug. So wird es nicht weitergehen. Als sie ihren kleinen sklaven zu einem dinner lädt, ahnt der noch nicht, wie ihm gleich geschehen wird. Er kommt in den großen käfig, in dem er gebeugt allen anweisungen folge leisten muss, die ihm lady lara mal erotisch lockend mal distanziert kühl gibt...

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Welcome To Domina Kates Palace of Sin
Real breathtaking German Mistresses, live sessions (Domina Kate, Lady Diana and others .. german spoken

Featuring 4 Clips / 83 minutes of video!

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  The Initiation 2

The Initiation 2


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  The Initiation 1

The Initiation 1


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  Feetish Dinner 1

Feetish Dinner 1


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  Feetish Dinner 2

Feetish Dinner 2


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